April Fools' Day History, Celebrations, and Pranks

April 1, 2023

Discover the origins, traditions and harmless pranks of April Fools' Day! Read on for ideas on how to celebrate this lighthearted holiday.
April Fools' Day History, Celebrations, and Pranks

Level 1:

April Fools’ Day is a fun holiday. People play jokes on each other. It started in France a long time ago. People used to celebrate the new year on April 1st. Today, people stick paper fish onto their friends’ backs in France. They also send people on wild goose chases in Scotland. Companies like Google, Burger King and BMW make fake things on this day. But you should remember not to hurt anyone with your jokes.

Level 2:

April Fools’ Day is an amusing holiday where people play tricks and jokes on each other. The origin of the holiday is uncertain, but it may have begun in France in the 16th century. In Scotland, the celebration lasts for two days and is called “Huntigowk Day” which involves sending people on false errands. Nowadays, brands such as Google and BMW participate in the fun by creating fake products or announcing silly initiatives. It’s essential to remember that pranks should be harmless and not hurtful to others. Some lighthearted pranks include fake parking tickets or putting sticky notes everywhere.

Full Story:

April 1st marks the day of tricks, hoaxes and pranks - April Fools’ Day. This mischievous day is celebrated in many countries around the world with people playing practical jokes on each other.

But where did this tradition come from? The origins of April Fools’ Day are unclear, but it is thought to have started in France in the late 16th century. Prior to 1582, the New Year was celebrated on March 25th. However, when the Gregorian calendar was introduced, the New Year was moved to January 1st. Some people continued to celebrate the New Year on April 1st and were called “April fools” by those who followed the new calendar.

Today, April Fools’ Day is seen as a lighthearted holiday, where people play harmless pranks on each other. In France, for example, children try to stick paper fish onto their friends’ backs without them noticing. In Scotland, April Fools’ Day lasts two days and is known as “Huntigowk Day”. This translates to “hunt the cuckoo” and involves sending people on wild goose chases or tricking them into performing ridiculous tasks.

In recent years, brands have also gotten in on the April Fools’ Day fun. Companies such as Google, Burger King and BMW have created fake products or announced ridiculous initiatives to get people talking. While some find these pranks funny, others believe that they can be misleading and harmful.

It’s important to remember that while April Fools’ Day can be a lot of fun, pranks should always be harmless and not hurtful. It’s also important to consider the feelings of others and not to take things too far. A joke may seem harmless to one person, but it could be hurtful to another.

So, what are some harmless April Fools’ Day pranks you can play on your friends and family? Here are a few ideas:

Fake spider: Cut out a spider shape from paper and attach it to a piece of string. Then, dangle the spider in front of someone's face for a good scare.

Cake or soap: Bake a cake or make a batch of brownies, but replace sugar with salt or swap frosting with shaving cream. Watch as your **unsuspecting** victim takes a bite!

Sticky note prank: Cover someone's **workspace** with sticky notes in different colors or write random messages on them.

Fake parking ticket: Create a fake parking ticket and place it on someone's windshield. Watch as they panic before they realize it's just a joke.

Air horns: Get an air horn and hide it under someone's chair or cushion. When they sit down, the horn will go off and give them a funny shock.

Remember, the key to any successful April Fools’ Day prank is to make it harmless, funny, and not too over-the-top.

In conclusion, April Fools’ Day is a fun and light-hearted holiday that brings people together through playful pranks and hoaxes. Whether you’re sticking paper fish onto people’s backs, sending them on wild goose chases or playing harmless pranks on your friends and family, remember to keep things light and fun. Happy April Fools’ Day!


What is the origin of April Fools’ Day and where is it celebrated?

How do people celebrate April Fools’ Day in France and Scotland?

Why do some people believe that brands’ April Fools’ Day pranks can be misleading or harmful?

What are some harmless April Fools’ Day pranks that people can play on their friends and family?

Do you think April Fools’ Day is a fun holiday or do you find pranks to be annoying or unnecessary?

Fill In the Blanks:

unsuspecting, mischievous, harmful, cuckoo, ridiculous, misleading, brands, workspace, hoaxes, translates

April 1st marks the day of tricks, ________ and pranks - April Fools’ Day.

This ________ day is celebrated in many countries around the world with people playing practical jokes on each other.

This ________ to “hunt the ________” and involves sending people on wild goose chases or tricking them into performing ________ tasks.

In recent years, ________ have also gotten in on the April Fools’ Day fun.

While some find these pranks funny, others believe that they can be ________ and ________.

Watch as your ________ victim takes a bite!

Sticky note prank: Cover someone’s ________ with sticky notes in different colors or write random messages on them.

Difficult Words:

mischievous - causing trouble in a playful way, naughty

hoaxes - a humorous or malicious deception, prank, fraud

cuckoo - a bird of the cuckoo family, known for laying eggs in other birds’ nests, trickster

translates - to convert something from one language to another, interpret

ridiculous - deserving or inviting ridicule or mockery, absurd, laughable

brands - a type of product manufactured by a particular company under a particular name, trademark

misleading - giving the wrong idea or impression, deceiving, confusing

harmful - causing harm or injury, hurtful, damaging

unsuspecting - not aware of the presence or occurrence of something, unaware, unsuspected

workspace - the area where someone works, office, workspace

over-the-top - excessive or exaggerated, extreme

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