Are Exploding Chairs a Real Safety Risk?

October 27, 2023

Discover the truth about the risk of exploding chairs, focusing on ergonomic design and rare incidents of gas cylinder mishaps.
Are Exploding Chairs a Real Safety Risk?

Level 1:

Some office chairs can lean back and bounce a little. This is because of a gas part inside them. But sometimes, if it is very hot, that part can pop. This happened in China to a man at work. It is really, really rare for this to happen. So, you do not have to be scared of your chair at home or at school.

Highlighted vocabulary words:

  • Office chairs: Chairs you sit on at work or school
  • Gas part: The thing inside the chair that helps it move
  • Rare: Something that almost never happens

Level 2:

Some office chairs let you lean back and bounce a little, because of a gas cylinder, a special part inside them. People worry they might explode, or pop, if it gets too hot. An event like this happened once in China to a man at his work. However, this type of accident barely ever happens, so it is extremely rare. Therefore, you don’t need to be afraid of the chairs at home or at school.

Highlighted vocabulary words:

  • Gas cylinder: A special part in the chair that lets it move.
  • Explode: A sudden, loud burst.
  • Extremely rare: Something that very, very seldom happens.

Full Story:

Are Exploding Chairs a Real Safety Risk?

Now, does the notion of an exploding chair sound unbelievable? or does it make you anxious about your own furniture? This article aims to explore this strange topic and help to put your mind at ease.

Let’s begin with a very crucial assertion: No, your everyday office chair or living room seat is unlikely to ever blow up. Traditional wood and fabric furniture lack the necessary components to self-combust. In fact, the idea itself is quite absurd.

But, strangely enough, there have been real-life cases where self-ignition has occurred due to certain components in specific types of chairs. This unusual phenomenon is linked to a certain type of chair that lines numerous offices around the globe - the ergonomic chair.

Ergonomic chairs, as many of you may know, are designed to provide maximum comfort and functionality. Equipped with multiple adjustments for seat height, armrests, and back support, these chairs are meant to alleviate physical stress during prolonged periods of sitting. One of these adjustable features is the ability to bounce lightly or recline, powered by a gas cylinder located at the base of the chair.

This gas cylinder as innocent as it looks might cause an issue. Some isolated incidents of these gas cylinders exploding have been reported worldwide. The common factor in these cases was extreme heat exposure, and even so, the occurrence is incredibly infrequent and unlikely.

Take for example, an occurrence in China in 2007 - while the weather was notably hot, an office worker was unfortunate to be seated when the gas cylinder in his chair exploded. Although the injury wasn’t fatal, it did require medical attention. It’s such scenarios that have led to this gradually increasing fear and sparked the question: are exploding chairs a real safety risk?

However, bear in mind these incidents are sparse and usually require specific, high-risk conditions. Companies design these gas cylinders to withstand regular office and home environments. This includes a variety of temperature ranges that would typically account for harsh summer conditions or artificial heating. Therefore, for a cylinder to explode, it would require an unusually high temperature that is unlikely in most office or home environments.

While these incidents may stoke fear, it is imperative that we don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater. The risk of an exploding chair remains extremely low. Ergonomic chairs, despite their rare mishaps, still offer many benefits in terms of comfort and support for those enduring long hours of sedentary work.

In conclusion, the fear related to the risk of exploding chairs needs to be looked at in perspective. While there have been isolated incidents, there is no need to start avoiding all office furniture. As always, maintain a balanced view: be aware of your surroundings, keep electronics and furniture away from extreme heat and enjoy the comfort your ergonomic chair provides without any looming fear.

Highlighted vocabulary words:

  • Self-ignition: the process by which a substance can catch fire and burn without having to add any external heat
  • Ergonomic chairs: chairs designed to provide maximum comfort and support to the user
  • Gas cylinder: a pressure vessel used to store gases at high pressure
  • Rare mishaps: abnormal and infrequent incidents of failure or accidents.


Question: What is the primary cause for the explosion of gas cylinders in some office chairs?
Answer: The primary cause for a gas cylinder in an office chair to explode is exceedingly high temperatures. This might be due to extreme weather or artificial heating. But it’s important to bear in mind that such occurrences are extremely rare and infrequent.

Question: Can all chairs explode or is it specific to certain types?
Answer: The phenomenon of chairs exploding is not a general one. It is specific only to some ergonomic chairs that contain a gas cylinder. Ordinary chairs made of wood or fabric do not have the components required for self-combustion.

Question: How can we ensure our safety while using ergonomic chairs?
Answer: To ensure safety, one must be mindful of their surroundings. Keeping the office chair exposed to excessive heat should be avoided. Regular maintenance of these chairs is also needed. As the chances of a chair exploding are incredibly slim, there should not be a looming fear.

Question: Do the benefits of ergonomic chairs outweigh the extremely rare risk of explosion?
Answer: In my opinion, the benefits of ergonomic chairs far outweigh the rare risk of potential explosion. Their design aims to alleviate physical stress during long periods of seating, which brings much-needed comfort and support to many office workers and makes them very popular.

Question: Should manufacturers of these ergonomic chairs do more to prevent such incidents, even if they are rare?
Answer: Personally, I believe that manufacturers should still strive to reduce any risks associated with their products, even if they’re rare occurrences. Greater safety measures and clearer warnings about potential risks would certainly put users’ minds more at ease.

Fill in the Blanks:

  1. Some office chairs have a special part that helps them move. This part is called a __________.
  2. In unusual events, this part can suddenly burst or _________.
  3. These events are so uncommon, they are considered __________.
  4. The act of something catching fire from heat within itself is called ___________.
  5. Chairs designed for maximum comfort and support are referred to as ___________ chairs.
  6. When an accident happens unusually and infrequently, it can be referred to as a ___________.

Words: Self-ignition, Rare mishaps, Explode, Extremely rare, Ergonomic chairs, Gas cylinder.

Mini Comprehension Test

Check your understanding of the article, Are Exploding Chairs a Real Safety Risk? by answering the following questions.

Question 1:

Which types of chairs might pose a risk of explosion?

  • Traditional Wooden Chairs
  • Fabric Chairs
  • Ergonomic Chairs
  • Plastic Chairs

Question 2:

What component in the chairs is associated with the risk?

  • The fabric cover
  • The metal frame
  • The gas cylinder
  • The armrests

Question 3:

Under what conditions are ergonomic chairs likely to explode?

  • Under high pressure
  • When exposed to water
  • When exposed to extremely high temperatures
  • Under regular conditions

Question 4:

True or False: The risk of a chair exploding is high.

  • True
  • False

Question 5: (Essay)

Why do you think the phrase ‘exploding chairs’ has become a topic of interest despite these incidents being extremely rare? Write a paragraph in your words.

Hint: Refer to the article for hints on public perception and response.

Extra credit:

Please share the title of this test on your social media platforms, using the following topics: #officeSafety, #ErgonomicChairs, #UnusualRisks, #WorkplaceWellness.

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  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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