Breaking: AI Conspiracy Tied to US Alien Hearings - Eye Witness Report

October 27, 2023

Uncover insights from a first-hand witness at US Alien Hearings linking AI and extraterrestrial encounters. Enhance your English language skills.
Breaking: AI Conspiracy Tied to US Alien Hearings - Eye Witness Report

Level 1:

A big meeting happened in Washington about aliens. During the meeting, an old pilot said he saw a strange flying object. He saw it talking to his plane’s computer. This made the plane almost crash. This surprised everyone and people are now talking about it. They want to know more and it is all over the news. Many people are curious and some do not believe it. This story has made people think about aliens and computers. Now, we wait to see what happens next.

Highlighted vocabulary words:

  • aliens: creatures from outer space
  • pilot: a person who flies planes
  • flying object: anything that flies in the sky

Level 2:

A big surprise happened at a very important meeting in Washington discussing extraterrestrial beings. During the meeting, a retired airplane pilot talked about a strange encounter with a UFO. He said the UFO did something weird to his plane’s computer, making it nearly crash. This shocking story has made lots of people curious and has flooded media outlets. While some are excited for this discovery, others don’t quite believe it. The debate about aliens and artificial intelligence has now made everyone very curious. Now, we have to wait and see what new things we will discover.

Highlighted vocabulary words:

  • extraterrestrial: coming from beyond the planet Earth, typically referring to aliens.
  • pilot: person who controls an airplane.
  • UFO: abbreviation for Unidentified Flying Object, often associated with aliens.
  • media outlets: means or channels of general communication in society, such as television, radio, or internet.

Full Story:

A recent unexpected development in Washington has the nation buzzing with rumors and speculations. The ongoing series of congressional hearings dealing with the sensitive topic of extra-terrestrial existence took a startling turn. What was assumed to be a scientific and political debate quickly morphed into a mind-boggling conspiracy drama. Here’s a first-hand summary of the strange and convoluted events that unfolded.

It all began when one of the key witnesses, a retired Air Force pilot, reported an unusual encounter during a supposedly classified mission. His confession added fuel to the fire to the assumptions of alien interference in aerial zones. What truly stunned everyone was his claim of witnessing an artificially intelligent being working in collusion with extra-terrestrials.

The witness described a peculiar scenario on that decisive day. He mentioned spotting an unidentified flying object that behaved unlike any known earthly aircraft or drone. Strangely, he reported observing it communicate signals to his aircraft’s AI system, effectively overriding the control, leading to a near mid-air catastrophe.

A tension-filled silence ensued in the hearing room following this statement. Skepticism was evident in many faces. Still, others took a keen interest, speculating the many complex and previously unimaginable scenarios this could unravel. The connection to AI was not something anyone anticipated, and thus, the official bodies assured a thorough and prompt investigation.

Ensuing events and pieces of testimony added to the gravity of this revelation. Several scientists stepped up with documented occasions of unexplainable discrepancies within their AI systems. They reported anomalies and patterns that, while not necessarily proving any alien collusion, could not be shrugged off as mere glitches. These peculiar occurrences were strongest in areas where UFO sightings had been prolific, further fueling the conjecture.

The public’s fascination with the topic expanded exponentially after this surprise development. People have begun to divide into two camps - those awaiting a paradigm-changing revelation, and die-hard skeptics unwilling to give any credence to these claims. The story instantly permeated the mass media, leading to a surge in public interest and curiosity.

While these developments are extraordinary, they also throw up a host of questions. What if there is a link between AI and extra-terrestrial beings? What does this mean for the future of humanity? And, what will be the response of the global scientific and political community? As we await the conclusion of this spectacle, one thing is certain, it is a new chapter in the unfolding narrative of artificial intelligence and alien life.

Only time will tell the truth, but as of now, the conspiracy buzz is ironically a unifying factor, bringing together various segments of society, each with their unique perspectives and interpretations. It is a divisive topic, yet it necessitates a collective effort to arrive at any conclusion.

In sum, an intriguing chain of events has been activated. As the nation watches on, the world stands alongside, all in anticipation of a revelation that could change everything we thought we knew.

Highlighted vocabulary words:

  • ongoing series: a number of events or actions that are continuing to happen in a sequential manner

  • congressional hearings: official meetings conducted by the United States congress to collect information and opinions on proposed legislation

  • conspiracy: a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

  • pilot: a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft

  • fuel to the fire: something that makes a problem or conflict even worse

  • ensued: happen or occur afterward or as a result

  • testimony: a formal written or spoken statement, given in a court of law or official settings

  • unexplainable discrepancies: differences that cannot be accounted for or made clear

  • anomalies: something different, abnormal, peculiar, or not easily classified

  • permeated the mass media: spread throughout forms of communication reaching a large audience, like newspapers, television, radio, and internet


Question: What surprising information did the pilot reveal during the congressional hearings?

Answer: The pilot surprised everyone by stating that during one of his flights, he encountered a strange unidentified flying object or UFO. More surprising was his claim that this UFO managed to interfere with his aircraft’s artificial intelligence system, nearly causing a catastrophe.

Question: Why was it a shock that the UFO interacted with the aircraft’s AI system?

Answer: It was shocking because such an incident has never been reported before. The idea that a UFO could interact with an AI system of an airplane to such a degree that it risks a crash, changes our understanding of both AI technology and alleged alien interferences.

Question: In your opinion, how might these revelations affect public perception of AI and extraterrestrial life?

Answer: This depends on personal beliefs and scientific literacy. Some people might find it fascinating and it could lead to a new public interest in AI and alien life. Those skeptical, might think it’s a hoax or a mistake. Either way, it will stimulate conversations about these topics.

Question: Do you agree with the divide of public into two camps - those eagerly waiting for a paradigm-changing revelation, and skeptics unwilling to believe these claims. Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, I agree. Generally, people have diverse opinions. Some are open to new ideas and changes, while others are doubtful, preferring concrete scientific evidence. Therefore, it is natural that people form different groups in response to such a situation.

Fill in the Blanks:

  1. During the meeting, an important _______ was made by a pilot about his encounter with a UFO.
  2. The pilot said that the UFO somehow interacted with his airplane’s _______ .
  3. The pilot’s surprising tale quickly spread to all _______ .
  4. A significant _______ between what the AI should have done and what it actually did during the UFO encounter was mentioned.
  5. Many people are now discussing this _______ theory that somehow connects AI to aliens.
  6. People have been following the _______ of meetings about the possibility of alien life.
  7. His testimony in the _______ hearin has piqued people’s interest in the subject.
  8. As we wait for the next development, the conflicting opinions are adding _______ to the fire of the alien debate.

Highlighted vocabulary words (random order):

  • pilot
  • conspiracy
  • unexplainable discrepancies
  • congressional hearings
  • AI
  • permeated the mass media
  • fuel to the fire
  • ongoing series

Mini Comprehension Test

Please answer the following questions based on the article “Breaking: AI Conspiracy Tied to US Alien Hearings - Eye Witness Report”.

(Each question carries one mark. You are suggested to read the article thoroughly before attempting the questions.)

  1. True or False: The congressional hearings were based on the topic of AI and extra-terrestrial existence.
  1. In the article, what did the key witness that was a retired Air Force pilot claim to have seen?
a) A hostile alien encounter
b) UFO communicating signals to his aircraft's AI system
c) Extra-terrestrials conducting a secret mission on Earth
d) An alien invasion
  1. What was the immediate response of the hearing room to the witness’s statement?
a) Applause
b) Laughter
c) Shock followed by silence
d) Chaos and panic
  1. According to the article, how did this revelation influence the public?
a) It created a panic among the public
b) The public lost interest in AI and aliens
c) It divided the public into those awaiting revelation and skeptics
d) All the public turned skeptics
  1. Write a short answer: How did the story permeate the mass media and what was its impact?

How to improve your English with the easy English news articles on Learn With Text:


  • Read two news stories every day. All short news stories are written for quick readability and learning.
  • Read the news stories from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
  • If the main story is hard to understand, consider reading the simplified version instead.


  • Listen to today's short news while simultaneously reading the text.
  • Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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