Chris Christie's Unique Gift to Zelensky: Bon Jovi's Handwritten Lyrics

August 9, 2023

Chris Christie's heartfelt gift to Zelensky: Handwritten Bon Jovi lyrics! Discover the powerful song's symbolism and impact on Ukraine's struggle.
Chris Christie's Unique Gift to Zelensky: Bon Jovi's Handwritten Lyrics

Level 1:

Chris Christie gave a special gift to Zelensky. It was a song with special words. The song is famous and loved by many. The words were written by a famous singer named Jon Bon Jovi. The song is about being strong and not giving up. People in Ukraine liked this song during a tough time. It made them feel brave. Christie brought the song to Zelensky. Zelensky is the leader of Ukraine. The song means a lot to many Americans. Christie is a leader too. He wants to be the leader of America. He met Zelensky to show support. Other leaders also visited Ukraine. The song is a sign of hope. It shows how music can bring people together. Music can help us feel better in hard times. The song is like a light in the dark. It shows that people can be strong. The song is a message of courage and hope. Music is a powerful way to say important things. Christie’s gift is a nice way to show friendship. It can inspire people to keep going. Ukraine and America can stand together. The song reminds us to believe in ourselves. It can help us stay strong when things are tough. Music is like a special language. It can speak to our hearts. This gift is a good sign of friendship. It shows that people care about each other. Let’s remember the power of music and friendship.

Level 2:

Chris Christie gave a unique present to Zelensky, the Ukrainian leader. It was a famous song with meaningful words. The song, written by Jon Bon Jovi, talks about staying strong and not giving up. During tough times, people in Ukraine found solace in this song. Christie, a leader aspiring to lead America, brought this gift to show his support. Other leaders, like Mike Pence, also visited Ukraine. Music has a special power to unite people. The song is a symbol of hope, shining like a light in the darkness. It encourages us to be courageous and hopeful. Christie’s gift is a lovely gesture of friendship, inspiring unity between Ukraine and America. Let’s cherish the power of music and friendship.

Full Story:

In a surprising move, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made headlines when he visited the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky. Christie, a GOP presidential candidate, not only offered his moral support but also came bearing a unique and heartfelt gift for the Ukrainian leader. And that gift was none other than a set of framed lyrics to the iconic song “It’s My Life,” personally handwritten by none other than the legendary Jon Bon Jovi himself.

Now, you might be wondering why Christie chose this particular song. Well, it all goes back to a powerful moment that captured the spirit of resilience and determination of the Ukrainian people during the difficult times of the Russian invasion in March 2022. A viral video emerged, showcasing Ukrainian citizens in the city of Odesa preparing for an impending attack while “It’s My Life” played defiantly in the background. The stirring sight of a lone Ukrainian drummer accompanying the song struck a chord not only with Ukrainians but also with people worldwide.

Even the rock band Bon Jovi, whose anthem “It’s My Life” is, felt the impact of that moment. They reposted the video online and added a message that echoed the song’s lyrics: “This is for the ones who stood their ground.” The song’s powerful message of seizing control of one’s destiny and not yielding to adversity resonated deeply with the Ukrainian struggle for freedom and independence.

Christie’s connection with Jon Bon Jovi paved the way for this extraordinary gift. When Christie shared his plans to meet with President Zelensky, the singer decided to take matters into his own hands—literally. He penned down the lyrics in his own handwriting from his residence on Long Island, and once he was finished, the precious lyrics were sent to Christie via helicopter in New Jersey.

Imagine the moment when Christie stood before President Zelensky, holding the framed lyrics that encapsulated the emotions and determination of the Ukrainian people. He must have felt the weight of this meaningful gift, knowing it was more than just a token of support. It represented the sentiments of countless Americans who stood in solidarity with Ukraine’s cause, hoping for a brighter future amidst the darkness of conflict.

The sincerity of Christie’s gift extended beyond a mere diplomatic gesture. He conveyed to President Zelensky that “It’s My Life” holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans who empathize with the struggles faced by the Ukrainian people. The song’s raw, unapologetic lyrics speak to the universal human desire for self-determination and the courage to face challenges head-on.

But Christie wasn’t the only GOP presidential candidate to visit Ukraine since the war began. Former Vice President Mike Pence had already met with President Zelensky in late June. These visits highlighted the critical importance of Ukraine’s situation and its geopolitical significance in the eyes of the United States.

One can’t help but wonder how this simple yet profound gift resonated with President Zelensky. Did it evoke emotions of gratitude and encouragement as he continues to lead his nation through turbulent times? Did the symbolic message behind “It’s My Life” reinforce Ukraine’s unwavering commitment to defend its sovereignty and pursue freedom?

Beyond the political implications, Christie’s visit and thoughtful gesture raised questions about the power of music and its ability to unite people across borders. Music has always been a universal language, capable of transcending cultural barriers and touching the human spirit in ways that words alone often cannot.

Furthermore, this unique gift from Christie to Zelensky serves as a reminder of the role that art and culture play in shaping and reflecting the collective consciousness of a nation. It reminds us that in times of crisis, artists and musicians can become beacons of hope, offering comfort and inspiration to those facing unimaginable challenges.

Jon Bon Jovi’s handwritten lyrics became a symbol of solidarity, a tangible representation of the bond between two nations, and a testament to the enduring human spirit in the face of adversity. It’s not every day that a presidential candidate chooses to express their support through the power of music, making this gesture all the more remarkable and impactful.

As the world watched this exchange unfold, one couldn’t help but contemplate the influence of popular culture on the global stage. How many other songs, movies, or artistic expressions have had a profound impact on communities facing hardships? And how many more moments like the “It’s My Life” video will emerge, showcasing the strength and resilience of people in times of turmoil?

Beyond the symbolic significance of this gift, one might wonder about the tangible effects it could have on the ongoing conflict. Can music genuinely bridge gaps and foster understanding between nations with differing perspectives and interests? Could Jon Bon Jovi’s words, written in his own hand, inspire diplomatic efforts and push for peaceful resolutions to complex geopolitical issues?

While these questions may not have immediate answers, they prompt us to consider the potential for unconventional approaches to diplomacy and international relations. Christie’s gift of Bon Jovi’s handwritten lyrics is a testament to the power of personal connections and shared cultural experiences in shaping the course of history.

In the end, regardless of the outcome of this thoughtful gesture, one thing remains clear: the impact of music and art on the human spirit knows no bounds. It transcends borders, politics, and ideologies, weaving a tapestry of shared experiences that can bring people together in ways that words alone often fail to achieve.

As the story of Christie’s visit to Ukraine and his unique gift to President Zelensky continues to unfold, it serves as a reminder of the extraordinary capacity of human expression to shape narratives and influence the world around us. It is a testament to the enduring power of music to ignite the flames of hope and resilience in the face of adversity—a reminder that even in the darkest of times, the **melody **of unity can resonate louder than the noise of conflict.


Question: What was the unique gift Chris Christie presented to President Zelensky?

Answer: Chris Christie gave President Zelensky a set of framed lyrics to Bon Jovi’s song “It’s My Life,” handwritten by Jon Bon Jovi himself.

Question: Why did Chris Christie choose “It’s My Life” as the gift for President Zelensky?

Answer: Christie chose “It’s My Life” as a nod to the viral video of Ukrainian citizens preparing for an attack while the song played defiantly in the background, symbolizing resilience and determination during the Russian invasion.

Question: How did Jon Bon Jovi create the handwritten lyrics for the gift?

Answer: Jon Bon Jovi personally wrote out the lyrics from his residence on Long Island and sent them to Christie in New Jersey via helicopter.

Question: What does the song “It’s My Life” represent to the American people?

Answer: The song represents the feelings of many American people towards the cause being fought for in Ukraine and embodies the spirit of standing one’s ground in the face of adversity.

Question: Do you think music can have a significant impact on global events and international relations?

Answer: Yes, music can have a profound impact on global events and international relations as it can unite people across borders, offer comfort and inspiration, and foster understanding and solidarity during difficult times.

Fill in the Blanks:

diplomatic, shared, encapsulated, prompt, adversity, Gesture, transcending, geopolitical, unapologetic, resolutions, sincerity, universal, enduring, unconventional, profound, gesture, testament, diplomacy, symbolic, resilience, raw, iconic, defiantly

Chris Christie’s Memorable ________: Bon Jovi’s Personal Lyrics for Zelensky

In a surprising move, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie made headlines when he visited the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, to meet with President Volodymyr Zelensky.

And that gift was none other than a set of framed lyrics to the ________ song “It’s My Life,” personally handwritten by none other than the legendary Jon Bon Jovi himself.

Well, it all goes back to a powerful moment that captured the spirit of ________ and determination of the Ukrainian people during the difficult times of the Russian invasion in March 2022.

A viral video emerged, showcasing Ukrainian citizens in the city of Odesa preparing for an impending attack while “It’s My Life” played ________ in the background.

They reposted the video online and added a message that echoed the song’s lyrics: “This is for the ones who stood their ground.” The song’s powerful message of seizing control of one’s destiny and not yielding to ________ resonated deeply with the Ukrainian struggle for freedom and independence.

When Christie ________ his plans to meet with President Zelensky, the singer decided to take matters into his own hands—literally.

Imagine the moment when Christie stood before President Zelensky, holding the framed lyrics that ________ the emotions and determination of the Ukrainian people.

The ________ of Christie’s gift extended beyond a mere ________ ________.

The song’s ________, ________ lyrics speak to the ________ human desire for self-determination and the courage to face challenges head-on.

These visits highlighted the critical importance of Ukraine’s situation and its ________ significance in the eyes of the United States.

One can’t help but wonder how this simple yet ________ gift resonated with President Zelensky.

Did the ________ message behind “It’s My Life” reinforce Ukraine’s unwavering commitment to defend its sovereignty and pursue freedom?

Music has always been a universal language, capable of ________ cultural barriers and touching the human spirit in ways that words alone often cannot.

Jon Bon Jovi’s handwritten lyrics became a symbol of solidarity, a tangible representation of the bond between two nations, and a ________ to the ________ human spirit in the face of adversity.

Could Jon Bon Jovi’s words, written in his own hand, inspire diplomatic efforts and push for peaceful ________ to complex geopolitical issues?

While these questions may not have immediate answers, they ________ us to consider the potential for ________ approaches to ________ and international relations.


Gesture: A physical action or movement that expresses a feeling, intention, or message.

Iconic: Widely recognized and highly symbolic, often referring to something famous or representative of a particular group or time.

Defiantly: In a manner showing bold resistance or opposition to authority or challenges.

Resilience: The ability to recover and adapt quickly from difficult or challenging situations.

Emphasized: To give special importance or attention to something, making it stand out or be more noticeable.

Symbolic: Representing or expressing an idea, belief, or meaning beyond the literal interpretation.

Sincerity: Honesty, genuineness, and truthfulness in one’s words or actions.

Encapsulated: To summarize or express the essence of something in a concise and comprehensive manner.

Diplomatic: Related to the conduct and communication between countries, often involving negotiation and compromise.

Raw: Unprocessed, in its natural state, or unrefined, often used metaphorically to describe emotions or experiences without restraint or pretense.

Unapologetic: Not expressing regret or remorse for one’s actions, beliefs, or statements.

Universal: Applicable to all people or things, regardless of their differences or backgrounds.

Transcending: To go beyond or rise above a particular limit, often in a metaphorical sense.

Testament: Evidence or proof of something, often referring to a statement or action that confirms a belief or idea.

Enduring: Continuing to exist or last for a long time, despite challenges or obstacles.

Beacon: A guiding light or signal, often used metaphorically to describe something that provides guidance or hope.

Profound: Deep, intense, or having significant impact or meaning.

Adversity: Difficulties, hardships, or challenges that one may face in life.

Diplomacy: The art and practice of conducting negotiations and managing international relations.

Unconventional: Not following the usual or traditional methods or approaches; innovative or different.

Resolutions: Decisions or solutions to problems or conflicts, often referring to formal decisions or agreements.

Geopolitical: Relating to the political and strategic importance of geographical locations and their impact on international relations.

Shared: To have something in common or experienced together with others.

Prompt: To provoke or inspire someone to take action or think about something.

Melody: A sequence of musical notes forming a memorable and pleasant tune or theme.

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  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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