From Secret to Viral: How a Potato Became an Internet Meme

May 28, 2023

Discover the hilarious world of viral potato memes! Learn how people are finding joy in these funny tubers and see some of the best photos for yourself.
From Secret to Viral: How a Potato Became an Internet Meme

Level 1:

Potatoes are funny. People like them. They take pictures of lumpy potatoes. They put the pictures on phones and computers. Then other people see the pictures too. More and more people see the pictures. They make their own pictures of potatoes. Some potatoes look like faces, others like hats. It’s funny. Lots of people laugh. Potatoes make people happy.

Level 2:

It’s no secret that people love to find humor in the everyday things around them. Recently, potatoes have become a popular source of laughter and entertainment. After someone posted a photo of a lumpy potato online, others began doing the same, sharing pictures of their own unique-looking potatoes. Some have faces or appear to be wearing hats. These viral potato images may seem silly, but they bring joy to many people’s lives. They are a reminder that sometimes it’s the simple pleasures that can brighten our day. So next time you see a funny-looking potato, take a photo and share it with your friends. You might just make someone smile!

Full Story:

In a world that often feels consumed by politics, science, and conflict, it’s refreshing to take a moment to appreciate the humor in life. Recently, an unexpected star has risen to internet fame: the humble potato.

It all started with a simple photo on social media. Someone snapped a picture of a lumpy, misshapen potato and posted it online. Instead of being dismissed as just another ordinary vegetable, this potato had something special about it. Perhaps it was its unusual shape or the way it seemed to be almost smiling at the camera. Whatever the reason, the photo quickly went viral.

Before long, people were sharing their own photos of unique potatoes, each one more bizarre than the last. Some looked like they had faces, others like they were wearing tiny hats. There was even a potato that appeared to have grown a perfect heart shape in the middle.

As the trend grew, so did the humor. People began photoshopping pictures of potatoes into all kinds of scenarios. There were potatoes dressed up in fancy clothes, potatoes playing musical instruments, and even potatoes doing extreme sports. But why has the internet become so obsessed with these starchy tubers? For one thing, it’s a welcome break from the constant stream of serious news and information that bombards us every day. It’s always nice to take a step back and laugh at something silly and lighthearted.

But there’s also something inherently relatable about the potato meme phenomenon. After all, who hasn’t felt a little bit like a misshapen, lumpy potato at some point in their lives? We all have flaws and imperfections, but that doesn’t mean we can’t embrace them and find the beauty in our uniqueness.

And let’s not forget the power of community. When people come together over a shared interest or passion, it can create a sense of belonging and connection. In this case, people all over the world are bonding over their love of wacky potatoes. It’s a reminder that even in a digital age where we often feel disconnected, we can still find ways to connect with one another.

So the next time you see a photo of a potato with googly eyes or a mustache, don’t just dismiss it as another silly meme. Take a moment to appreciate the joy and humor it brings to people’s lives. And who knows? Maybe you’ll find yourself inspired to share a photo of your own unique potato creation.


What was the inspiration behind the viral potato trend?

Why do you think people find humor in everyday things like potatoes?

How have people been sharing their potato photos with others?

Do you think finding humor in simple things can improve someone’s mood? Why or why not?

In your opinion, what is the appeal of viral internet trends like the potato meme?

Fill in the Blanks:

phenomenon, imperfections, humor, bonding, lighthearted, obsessed, embrace, starchy, relatable

In a world that often feels consumed by politics, science, and conflict, it’s refreshing to take a moment to appreciate the ________ in life.

But why has the internet become so ________ with these ________ tubers?

It’s always nice to take a step back and laugh at something silly and ________.

But there’s also something inherently ________ about the potato meme ________.

We all have flaws and ________, but that doesn’t mean we can’t ________ them and find the beauty in our uniqueness.

In this case, people all over the world are ________ over their love of wacky potatoes.


Humor - the quality of being amusing or comical

Obsessed - preoccupied with or constantly worrying or thinking about something

Starchy - containing a lot of starch, a complex carbohydrate molecule found in many plants

Tuber - a type of fleshy underground stem or root that is used for food, such as a potato or yam

Phenomenon - a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question

Lighthearted - amusing and entertaining without being serious

Imperfections - faults or flaws in something or someone

Embrace - accept (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically

Relatable - able to be related to something else in some way

Bonding - the establishment of a relationship based on shared feelings, interests, or experiences

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  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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