Australia Mining Company Regrets Losing Radioactive Device

January 30, 2023

In a stunning turn o
Australia Mining Company Regrets Losing Radioactive Device

In a stunning turn of events, an Australian mining company has issued a heartfelt apology for losing a radioactive device on their property. The device, which was used for measuring levels of radiation, has gone missing, leaving the company and local authorities scrambling to locate it.

This unbelievable misstep has raised concerns about the safety of nearby communities and the potential impact on the environment. The company has assured the public that the device poses no immediate threat, but the fact that it has gone missing is causing alarm.

The company has launched a full-scale search effort, employing all available resources, to find the missing device. Meanwhile, local authorities are advising residents to take caution and report any suspicious activity in the area.

In a statement, the mining company expressed their deep regret over the situation, saying, “We understand the gravity of this situation and we are doing everything in our power to locate the missing device. We take full responsibility for this mistake and we will do everything in our power to prevent it from happening again.”

This unfortunate incident serves as a reminder of the importance of responsible practices in the mining industry and the need for stringent safety measures to protect both the environment and the communities surrounding mining operations.

The search for the missing radioactive device continues, and the public is asked to remain vigilant and report any information that may help in its recovery.

Simplified Story:


A mining company in Australia made a big mistake. They lost a device that measures radiation and now it’s missing. This is causing worry for people living nearby and the environment. The company is trying very hard to find the missing device and says it is not dangerous right now. But they still feel bad and say they are sorry for what happened.

The company is working with local authorities to find the device and keep people safe. They are doing everything they can to make sure this never happens again. This shows how important it is for mining companies to be careful and have good safety measures in place.

The public is being asked to help by being careful and reporting anything they see that could be helpful. The search for the missing device is still going on.


What is the name of the Australian mining company that lost a radioactive device?

What was the device used for?

What has the mining company stated about the potential danger posed by the missing device?

What measures is the company taking to locate the missing device?

In your opinion, what does this incident say about the importance of safety measures in the mining industry? (Opinion-based)

In your opinion, what kind of impact could this incident have on the local community and environment? (Opinion-based)


Mishap: an unfortunate incident or event

Regret: a feeling of sorrow or disappointment about something that has happened or been done

Radioactive: emitting radiation

Scrambling: moving quickly and in a disorganized manner

Alarm: a state of fear or concern over a possible threat or danger

Full-scale: involving all available resources

Gravity: the seriousness or importance of a situation

Vigilant: keeping careful watch for possible danger or difficulties

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  • Listen to today's short news while simultaneously reading the text.
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  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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