It's Fun Fact Friday! Weird and Wonderful Fun Facts You Won't Believe!

May 9, 2023

Learn about fun fact Friday! Read weird and wonderful fun facts you won't believe!
It's Fun Fact Friday! Weird and Wonderful Fun Facts You Won't Believe!

Level 1:

Fun facts are interesting information. They can be weird or cool. Here are some fun facts: the biggest snowflake was 15 inches, a war in history lasted only 38 minutes, chewing gum is over 9,000 years old, and a song was written 3,400 years ago. Also, did you know about the loneliest tree? It is on an island alone. There is a jellyfish that might live forever too! The world has many weird things like a town in Alaska with one person, a chicken that flew for 13 seconds, and a shark that can survive on land.

Level 2:

Fun facts are fascinating pieces of information that can be strange, unusual, or exciting. For example, did you know that the largest snowflake ever recorded was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick? In addition, the shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes between Britain and Zanzibar. The world’s oldest chewing gum is over 9,000 years old and was made from birch bark tar. A song called the “Hurrian Hymn” is the oldest known song in the world, written over 3,400 years ago in Mesopotamia. Another interesting fact is that there is a jellyfish known as the Turritopsis dohrnii which has the ability to revert back to its juvenile state, essentially making it biologically immortal!

Full Story:

Happy Friday! Even if it’s not Friday today! Are you ready for some fun and interesting facts to kick off the weekend? Look no further! Here are 10 weird and wonderful facts to impress your friends with.

First, let’s start with a fun fact for today. Did you know that the world’s largest snowflake on record was 15 inches wide and 8 inches thick? This massive snowflake fell in Montana in 1887 and still holds the title today.

Moving on to five more fun facts, did you know that the shortest war in history lasted only 38 minutes? It happened between Britain and Zanzibar on August 27, 1896. Additionally, it might surprise you to learn that the Great Wall of China is not visible from space. This is a common myth, but in reality, it’s too narrow to be seen with the naked eye.

Another interesting tidbit is that the world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old! It was discovered in Finland and made from birch bark tar. Speaking of ancient artifacts, did you know that the oldest known song in the world is called the “Hurrian Hymn”? It was written in cuneiform over 3,400 years ago in Mesopotamia.

Last but not least, have you ever heard of the “loneliest tree in the world”? It’s located on an island in the South Pacific and is the only tree on the entire island. Scientists used the rings on the tree to study the effects of nuclear testing in the area during the mid-20th century.

Now, let’s move on to the coolest fun fact on our list. Did you know that there’s a jellyfish that is biologically immortal? The Turritopsis dohrnii can revert back to its juvenile state after reaching maturity, essentially starting its life cycle all over again. This means it could potentially live forever!

Finally, here are five more weird and wonderful facts to round out our list. Did you know that there’s a town in Alaska with a population of just one person? It’s called Bettles and has a single resident who serves as the mayor, librarian, and bartender. Additionally, there’s a species of shark that can survive on land for up to an hour, known as the epaulette shark.

Another interesting fact is that the shortest war between two sovereign nations was between the countries of Denmark and Sweden. It only lasted 4 hours in 1809! Moving on to the animal kingdom, did you know that koalas have fingerprints so similar to humans that they’ve been mistaken for crime scene evidence?

Lastly, it might shock you to learn that the longest recorded flight of a chicken was 13 seconds. Yes, you read that right – a chicken can fly (briefly)!

There’s no shortage of fun, weird, and fascinating facts out there to keep us entertained and informed. From giant snowflakes to immortal jellyfish, there’s always something new to learn and discover. So next time you’re looking for some trivia to impress your friends or break the ice at a party, remember these 10 weird and wonderful facts. Happy Friday, and have a great weekend!


What is the world’s oldest known song, and where was it written?

How long did the shortest war in history last, and who was involved?

What is the Turritopsis dohrnii, and what unique ability does it possess?

Why is it a common myth that the Great Wall of China is visible from space?

Which of the fun facts listed in the article do you think is the most interesting, and why?

Fill in the Blanks:

biologically, fingerprints, facts, weird, immortal, tidbit, potentially, coolest, kingdom, sovereign, Mesopotamia

Are you ready for some fun and interesting ________ to kick off the weekend?

Here are 10 ________ and wonderful facts to impress your friends with.

Another interesting ________ is that the world’s oldest piece of chewing gum is over 9,000 years old!

It was written in cuneiform over 3,400 years ago in ________.

Now, let’s move on to the ________ fun fact on our list.

Did you know that there’s a jellyfish that is ________ ________?

This means it could ________ live forever!

Another interesting fact is that the shortest war between two ________ nations was between the countries of Denmark and Sweden.

Moving on to the animal ________, did you know that koalas have ________ so similar to humans that they’ve been mistaken for crime scene evidence?


Fun fact - an interesting or entertaining piece of information.

Weird - strange, unusual, or unexpected.

Facts - pieces of information that can be proven to be true.

Coolest - the most impressive or exciting in some way.

Cutoff - a specified level or point at which something stops.

Incorporates - includes or combines something into something else.

Tidbit - a small and interesting piece of information.

Artifact - an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest.

Mesopotamia - an ancient region located in the eastern Mediterranean, within the borders of present-day Iraq.

Biologically - related to biology, the study of living organisms.

Immortal - having an unlimited lifespan or never dying.

Potentially - possibly, with the ability to happen.

Sovereign - possessing supreme or ultimate power.

Kingdom - a country, state, or territory ruled by a king or queen.

Fingerprints - distinctive marks made by a person’s fingers on a surface.

Crime scene - a location where a crime has occurred or is suspected of having taken place.

How to improve your English with the easy English news articles on Learn With Text:


  • Read two news stories every day. All short news stories are written for quick readability and learning.
  • Read the news stories from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
  • If the main story is hard to understand, consider reading the simplified version instead.


  • Listen to today's short news while simultaneously reading the text.
  • Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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