RAT-tastic News- NYC's Furry Friend Making a Comeback

January 28, 2023

New York City, the c
RAT-tastic News- NYC's Furry Friend Making a Comeback

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is known for its hustle and bustle, towering skyscrapers, and diverse population. But did you know that one of its most beloved residents is making a Comeback? That’s right, we’re talking about the humble rat. For years, the rat population in NYC has been on the decline due to aggressive extermination Efforts and increased sanitation measures. But recent studies have shown that the rat population is on the rise once again, and it’s all thanks to one furry friend. Meet “Ralphie”, the city’s most famous rat. This plucky little rodent has been making headlines for his cunning and resourcefulness, as well as his adorable appearance. Ralphie was first spotted in Central Park last year, where he quickly became a local sensation. His antics, such as stealing food from unsuspecting tourists and scurrying around the park, have been captured on video and shared widely on social media. Ralphie’s popularity has sparked a renewed interest in the rat population in NYC. Many city residents have started to view Rats in a new light, as fascinating and intelligent creatures rather than pests. In fact, some have even started to feed and care for the Rats in their Neighborhoods. The rat population in NYC is not only making a Comeback but also it’s also helping to improve the city’s ecosystem.** Rats** are known to be excellent scavengers, helping to keep the streets clean by eating leftover food and Garbage. They also play a crucial role in the city’s food web, serving as a food source for larger predators such as birds of prey and snakes. In conclusion, the rat population in NYC is on the rise once again, and it’s all thanks to Ralphie, the city’s most famous rat. This plucky little rodent has sparked a renewed interest in the rat population, and many city residents are now viewing Rats in a new light. So next time you spot a rat scurrying down the street, don’t be quick to judge. It might just be the next Ralphie. P.S: The article is written in a satirical way, although Rats are known to carry diseases and the best way to deal with them is to use safe extermination methods and keep the environment clean.

Simplified Story:


Rats are making a Comeback in New York City. For a long time, there were not many Rats because of Efforts to get rid of them. But now, a rat named Ralphie is making people like Rats again. Ralphie is famous because he is Clever and cute. He was first seen in Central Park and now people are feeding and Caring for Rats in their Neighborhoods.** Rats** are also good for the environment because they eat Garbage and Leftovers, and they are food for bigger animals. So, the next time you see a rat, don’t be quick to judge, it might be the next Ralphie.


  1. What is the reason behind the Comeback of rat population in New York City?
  1. Who is Ralphie, and why is he significant in the article?
  1. How do Rats benefit the ecosystem in NYC?
  1. What is the opinion of the article about the rat population in NYC?
  1. How have people’s attitudes towards Rats changed in NYC, as mentioned in the article?


1.** Rats** - a small rodent with a long tail and sharp teeth, often considered as a pest.

2.** Comeback** - return to a former position or condition.

3.** Efforts** - an attempt to do something.

4.** Clever** - having or showing intelligence or skill.

5.** Caring** - showing concern for the well-being of others.

6.** Neighborhoods** - a district or area where people live.

7.** Environment** - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates.

8.** Garbage** - waste material, especially of food.

9.** Leftovers** - food that remains after a meal and is saved for later.

10.** Quick** - done with little or no delay.

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  • Read the news stories from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
  • If the main story is hard to understand, consider reading the simplified version instead.


  • Listen to today's short news while simultaneously reading the text.
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  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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