Snapchat's My AI Chatbot Feature Gets Negative Reviews

May 11, 2023

Snapchat's new My AI feature has caused a spike of negative reviews. Learn about the limitations and potential consequences of AI chatbots in this article.
Snapchat's My AI Chatbot Feature Gets Negative Reviews

Level 1:

Snapchat added a new chat bot called “My AI.” It helps to answer questions. But many people do not like it. They say the bot is not helpful. The users wrote bad reviews. Many gave only one star. This made Snapchat look bad. The company is trying to fix the problem. Some experts say bots can have problems. They may not understand human language well. Companies need to work hard to make them better.

Level 2:

Snapchat has launched a new feature called “My AI,” an artificial intelligence chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT technology. This bot allows users to ask questions and get quick responses. However, many users are unhappy with the feature, leaving negative reviews on the platform. The majority of reviews are one-star ratings. Snapchat has promised to look into the complaints and improve the bot’s performance. Experts say that AI chatbots can struggle to understand human language, leading to limitations and inaccuracies. While companies work hard to better their chatbots, users will have to remain patient while waiting for improvements.

Full Story:

Snapchat has been in the news lately, and not for the reasons they would have hoped. The social media platform has launched a new AI chatbot powered by OpenAI’s GPT technology, called “My AI,” that allows users to ask it questions and get instant responses. However, since its launch last week, the app has seen a spike in negative reviews, with many users panning the feature and calling for its removal.

While the addition of an AI chatbot may seem like a logical step for Snapchat given the growing demand for automation and efficiency in today’s world, it appears that users are not particularly impressed with the performance of “My AI.” Many have taken to social media to voice their complaints, calling the chatbot “useless” and “unhelpful.”

Snapchat has always been known as a platform that values user feedback and is quick to make updates and changes based on their suggestions. So it is not surprising that the company has promised to look into these complaints and make any necessary changes to improve the user experience. In fact, some reports suggest that Snapchat has already started working on improving the chatbot’s responses to better serve its users.

On the other hand, some experts argue that the negative feedback towards “My AI” might reflect larger issues with AI chatbots and their limitations. While AI technology has come a long way in recent years, it is still far from perfect and can struggle with understanding human language, context, and nuance. Additionally, AI chatbots rely heavily on data sets, which can lead to biases and inaccuracies if not designed and implemented correctly.

The rise of AI-powered chatbots in the tech industry has been met with both excitement and skepticism. On one hand, many believe that AI chatbots can help businesses and individuals save time and money by automating repetitive tasks and providing instant assistance. On the other hand, some worry about the potential consequences of relying too heavily on AI chatbots, such as job loss and the erosion of human skills like critical thinking and problem-solving.

Despite these concerns, it seems that AI-powered chatbots are here to stay. With advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, AI chatbots are becoming more sophisticated and better able to understand and respond to user inquiries. However, as the negative feedback towards Snapchat’s “My AI” feature shows, there is still much work to be done to ensure that these chatbots provide a seamless and useful experience for users.

One solution to this problem may be to combine AI chatbots with human support. By having human agents available to take over when AI chatbots are unable to provide satisfactory answers, businesses can ensure that their customers receive the best possible support. This hybrid approach has already been adopted by some companies, such as chatbot platform Tars, which allows businesses to integrate human agents into its chatbot conversations.

Another option is to focus on designing AI chatbots that are more specialized and tailored to specific industries or use cases. For example, an AI chatbot designed specifically for customer service in the healthcare industry would need to have a different set of responses and knowledge than one designed for e-commerce support. By focusing on creating specialized AI chatbots, companies can ensure that their chatbots are better equipped to handle complex inquiries and provide accurate information.

In conclusion, while the negative feedback towards Snapchat’s “My AI” feature is certainly concerning for the company, it also highlights larger issues surrounding the limitations and potential consequences of AI chatbots. As AI technology continues to advance, it will be important for companies to strike a balance between automation and human support, and to design chatbots that are both accurate and useful for their intended audiences. Only then can we reap the benefits of AI chatbots without sacrificing the human touch that is essential for great customer experiences.


What is “My AI”?

Why are Snapchat users giving negative reviews for the “My AI” chatbot?

How is Snapchat planning to improve the chatbot’s performance?

Are AI chatbots perfect in understanding human language?

In your opinion, what can companies do to make their chatbots more useful and efficient?

Fill in the Blanks:

automation, biases, complaints, skepticism, performance, OpenAI, feedback, Snapchat, nuance, inaccuracies, specialized, efficiency

________ has been in the news lately, and not for the reasons they would have hoped.

The social media platform has launched a new AI chatbot powered by ________‘s GPT technology, called “My AI,” that allows users to ask it questions and get instant responses.

While the addition of an AI chatbot may seem like a logical step for Snapchat given the growing demand for ________ and ________ in today’s world, it appears that users are not particularly impressed with the ________ of “My AI.” Many have taken to social media to voice their ________, calling the chatbot “useless” and “unhelpful.”

Snapchat has always been known as a platform that values user ________ and is quick to make updates and changes based on their suggestions.

While AI technology has come a long way in recent years, it is still far from perfect and can struggle with understanding human language, context, and ________.

Additionally, AI chatbots rely heavily on data sets, which can lead to ________ and ________ if not designed and implemented correctly.

The rise of AI-powered chatbots in the tech industry has been met with both excitement and ________.

Another option is to focus on designing AI chatbots that are more ________ and tailored to specific industries or use cases.


Snapchat - a popular social media app that allows users to share photos and videos that disappear after a short period of time.

AI chatbot - an artificial intelligence-powered computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, typically used to answer customer inquiries or provide assistance.

OpenAI - a non-profit research company focused on developing safe and beneficial artificial intelligence.

GPT technology - Generative Pre-trained Transformer Technology, a type of machine learning model developed by OpenAI that is widely used for natural language processing tasks.

Negative reviews - critical feedback from customers or users indicating dissatisfaction with a product, service, or experience.

App intelligence firm - a company that specializes in analyzing data related to mobile applications to provide insights to developers.

Sensor Tower - an analytics platform that provides insights into mobile application performance.

Social media platform - an online platform or tool that enables users to create, share, or exchange information, opinions, and content with others.

Automation - the use of technology to complete tasks or processes without human intervention.

Efficiency - the ability to accomplish a task or process with minimal waste or effort.

Performance - how well something functions or operates in relation to its intended purpose.

Complaints - expressions of dissatisfaction or criticism regarding a product, service, or experience.

User experience - the overall impression or satisfaction level of a user when interacting with a product, service, or system.

Feedback - information provided by customers or users about their experiences with a product, service, or system.

Nuance - subtle differences or distinctions in meaning or expression.

Biases - preconceived notions or beliefs that can influence decision making or understanding.

Inaccuracies - errors, mistakes, or false information.

Natural language processing - a branch of artificial intelligence concerned with enabling computers to understand and interpret human language.

Machine learning - a subset of artificial intelligence focused on designing algorithms and models that can learn and improve from data.

Skepticism - doubt or distrust of a particular idea, claim, or technology.

Repetitive tasks - tasks that are performed repeatedly over a period of time.

Critical thinking - the ability to analyze information and make objective judgments based on evidence.

Problem-solving - the ability to find solutions to complex problems.

Hybrid approach - a combination of different approaches or methods.

Customer service - the provision of assistance and support to customers before, during, and after a purchase.

Healthcare industry - the sector involved in providing medical care to individuals and communities.

E-commerce - buying and selling goods and services online.

Specialized - designed or adapted for a specific purpose or function.

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