The Picky Pig who loves Chicken Noodle Soup

May 15, 2023

Meet the picky pig who loves chicken noodle soup. Discover his obsession with this savory broth and why he won't eat it when humans are around.
The Picky Pig who loves Chicken Noodle Soup

Level 1:

There is a pig who likes soup. He likes chicken noodle soup. The pig does not like to eat when people watch. Some people think the pig is shy. Other people think he worries someone might take his soup. The pig found chicken noodle soup one cold night. He liked it and now he wants it always.

Level 2:

There is a particular pig that loves chicken noodle soup, but he will not eat it when someone is watching. Some people think he is shy, while others believe he thinks someone might take his soup. The pig discovered the soup on a chilly night and has been hooked ever since. He sneaks into the kitchen to find homemade soup and sulks around until someone makes it for him. Although some find his behavior odd, the pig knows what he likes and refuses to let anyone else tell him otherwise. Despite his strange habits, we can all admire the pig’s commitment to enjoying what he loves without worrying about what others think.

Full Story:

If you’re looking for a pig who’s picky about their soup, look no further than this particular swine. This little guy loves nothing more than a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup, but don’t expect him to indulge while you’re watching.

That’s right, despite his love for the savory broth, this porcine pal won’t take so much as a nibble if there are any humans around to observe him. Maybe he’s just shy, or perhaps he’s afraid of being judged for his unconventional soup preferences. Either way, it’s clear that this pig has some serious soup standards.

But let’s back up for a moment and talk about how this whole soup obsession began. According to those in the know, our porcine friend first discovered the delights of chicken noodle soup when he snuck into a nearby kitchen one chilly winter evening. The aroma of the soup was too much for him to resist, and before he knew it, he was slurping down spoonfuls of hot, savory broth like it was going out of style.

From that point on, the pig was hooked. He would sneak into the kitchen whenever he could, searching for a fresh pot of homemade chicken noodle soup to satisfy his cravings. And when he couldn’t find any, he’d sulk around the barnyard, grunting and snuffling until someone took pity on him and whipped up a batch.

Of course, as word spread about the pig’s unusual tastes, people began to take notice. Some were amused by the sight of a pig chowing down on soup, while others were skeptical and downright disapproving. But the pig didn’t care. He knew what he liked, and he wasn’t about to let anyone else tell him otherwise.

Which brings us to the present day, where our pig still spends his days seeking out the perfect bowl of chicken noodle soup. But there’s one catch: he won’t eat while anyone is watching. Whether it’s a curious farmhand, a group of amused tourists, or even his fellow barnyard animals, the pig simply refuses to indulge in soup when there are eyes on him.

Some speculate that this is due to a sense of embarrassment - after all, who wants to be caught eating chicken noodle soup like a human? Others suggest that the pig is simply a little bit paranoid and thinks that someone might try to steal his beloved soup if they see him enjoying it too much.

But whatever the reason, there’s no denying that our little porcine pal is a bit of an enigma. He loves chicken noodle soup more than anything else in the world, but he won’t eat it if anyone’s watching. And while some might find this behavior odd or even a little bit unsettling, we can’t help but admire the pig’s commitment to doing things his own way.

So if you ever happen to find yourself in the presence of this soup-loving swine, don’t be surprised if he scurries off at the first sign of human company. Just know that somewhere out there, he’s slurping down spoonfuls of steaming hot broth with gusto, completely unselfconscious and blissfully happy. And really, isn’t that what we all want out of life - to find something we love and enjoy it without worrying about what anyone else thinks?


What type of soup does the pig enjoy the most?

Why won’t the pig eat his soup when anyone is watching?

How did the pig discover his love for chicken noodle soup?

Do you think it’s strange for a pig to enjoy soup, or do you think it’s cute and amusing?

In your opinion, do you think it’s important to follow societal norms or to do what makes you happy, like the pig enjoying his soup despite others’ opinions?


The pig enjoys chicken noodle soup the most.

It is unclear why the pig won’t eat his soup when anyone is watching, but some speculate that he may be shy or afraid of being judged for his unconventional preferences.

According to the article, the pig discovered his love for chicken noodle soup when he snuck into a nearby kitchen on a cold winter evening and was unable to resist the aroma of the soup.

This is an opinion-based question, so different people may have different answers. Some might find it strange for a pig to enjoy soup, while others might find it cute or amusing.

Again, this is an opinion-based question, so there is no right or wrong answer. However, based on the article’s message, one could argue that it’s important to do what makes you happy and not worry too much about other people’s opinions.

Fill in the Blanks:

disapproving, enigma, skeptical, aroma, obsession, cravings, savory, picky, blissfully, unselfconscious, indulge, pal, commitment

If you’re looking for a pig who’s ________ about their soup, look no further than this particular swine.

This little guy loves nothing more than a steaming bowl of chicken noodle soup, but don’t expect him to ________ while you’re watching.

That’s right, despite his love for the ________ broth, this porcine ________ won’t take so much as a nibble if there are any humans around to observe him.

But let’s back up for a moment and talk about how this whole soup ________ began.

The ________ of the soup was too much for him to resist, and before he knew it, he was slurping down spoonfuls of hot, savory broth like it was going out of style.

He would sneak into the kitchen whenever he could, searching for a fresh pot of homemade chicken noodle soup to satisfy his ________.

Some were amused by the sight of a pig chowing down on soup, while others were ________ and downright ________.

But whatever the reason, there’s no denying that our little porcine pal is a bit of an ________.

And while some might find this behavior odd or even a little bit unsettling, we can’t help but admire the pig’s ________ to doing things his own way.

Just know that somewhere out there, he’s slurping down spoonfuls of steaming hot broth with gusto, completely ________ and ________ happy.


Pal: a friend or companion

Savory: having a pleasant or appetizing taste or smell

Picky: overly selective or specific in one’s preferences

Indulge: allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of something

Obsession: an idea or feeling that completely occupies the mind and often becomes an unhealthy fixation

Aroma: a distinctive, typically pleasant smell

Cravings: an intense desire for something

Skeptical: not easily convinced or persuaded; doubtful

Disapproving: expressing or showing disapproval; critical

Enigma: a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand

Commitment: the state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc.

Unselfconscious: not self-conscious; not aware of one’s own appearance or behavior

Blissfully: in a state of complete happiness or joy

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  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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