Unveiling the Culprit Behind the Cookie Jar Heist!

July 11, 2023

Unveiling the Cookie Jar Thief: Discover the Surprising Culprit! Follow the thrilling investigation as we expose the truth behind the stolen cookies!
Unveiling the Culprit Behind the Cookie Jar Heist!

Level 1:

Something bad happened. The cookies from the cookie jar disappeared! It was a big problem! Who could have taken them? We had to find out. We looked for clues everywhere. We found some fingerprints on the jar. They matched someone’s fingerprints. We thought it was Mischievous Max, but we were wrong. He didn’t like chocolate chip cookies. Then we suspected Clever Clara. She seemed sneaky. But it wasn’t her either. The real thief was Greedy Gus! He paid Max to do it. Gus loved cookies, but he couldn’t do it himself. We caught them and solved the mystery. The cookie thief was found!

Level 2:

There was a problem. The cookies from the cookie jar disappeared! Everyone wondered who could have taken them. We needed to find clues to solve the mystery. We searched everywhere and discovered fingerprints on the jar. The fingerprints matched someone’s. We thought it might be Mischievous Max, but we were mistaken. He didn’t like chocolate chip cookies. Next, we suspected Clever Clara. She seemed sly. However, it wasn’t her either. The real thief turned out to be Greedy Gus! He had paid Max to do it. Gus couldn’t resist the cookies, but he couldn’t do the stealing himself. We caught them and solved the mystery. We found the cookie thief at last!

Full Story:

A tantalizing aroma fills the air as a batch of freshly baked cookies rests on the kitchen countertop. The anticipation builds, but when you go to grab one, you’re met with an empty jar. Shocked and dismayed, you wonder, who could have stolen the cookies from the cookie jar? In this riveting investigation, we delve into the mystery, exposing the cunning thief and uncovering the truth behind this audacious act.

The Crime Scene:

Let’s set the stage. The cookie jar, a treasured vessel filled with delectable treats, becomes the focal point of this enigma. Sitting innocently on the countertop, it entices both young and old with promises of sugary delights. But alas, someone’s sticky fingers have left it bare, leaving behind nothing but crumbs and questions.

The Suspects:

Our journey to catch the culprit begins with a cast of characters who could potentially be responsible for this audacious act. First, there’s Mischievous Max, the mischievous neighborhood kid with a penchant for pranks. Could he be the one who succumbed to the temptation of those irresistible cookies? Then there’s Clever Clara, the sly and cunning sibling who always seems to have a hidden agenda. Could her sweet tooth have driven her to commit such a brazen act? Lastly, we have Greedy Gus, the notorious food lover known for his insatiable appetite. Did his desire for a quick snack lead him down a path of cookie thievery?

Unmasking the Culprit:

To unravel this mystery, we must meticulously examine the evidence and follow the trail of cookie crumbs. As we dig deeper, we find that Mischievous Max has an alibi for the time of the crime and a deep aversion to chocolate chip cookies. Clara, on the other hand, seems unusually calm and composed, almost as if she’s hiding something. Meanwhile, Greedy Gus’s crumb-covered hands and guilty expression raise suspicions. Could he be the one behind this dastardly deed?

Motives and Opportunities:

As we scrutinize each suspect’s motives and opportunities, the picture becomes clearer. Max, despite his mischievous nature, lacks a compelling reason to steal the cookies. Clara, on the other hand, has been eyeing those delectable treats for days, unable to resist their allure. She had ample opportunity, considering her familiarity with the kitchen layout and her talent for stealthy operations. But what about Gus? His voracious appetite is well-known, and the allure of a cookie feast might have been too great for him to resist.

Unveiling the Truth:

With our suspicions focused on Clara and Gus, we need solid evidence to unmask the true cookie thief. As we analyze fingerprints on the jar, we discover a match with one of the suspects. Surprisingly, it’s not Clara or Gus but Mischievous Max! Our assumptions were wrong all along. Max, who detested chocolate chip cookies, reveals that his motive was not to satisfy his craving but to create a diversion, framing his innocent sibling Clara.

The Twist:

As we confront Max with our newfound evidence, he admits his guilt, but not without revealing a surprising twist. Max explains that he was acting on behalf of Gus, who had paid him off with a bag of gummy worms. Gus, it turns out, had a secret addiction to chocolate chip cookies but lacked the skills to carry out the heist himself. Max, seizing the opportunity for mischief and personal gain, took advantage of the situation, pinning the blame on Clara.

In this cookie jar caper, the truth was concealed beneath layers of deception and misdirection. We learned that appearances can be deceiving, and sometimes even the most innocent of suspects can be involved in an elaborate scheme. As we close this chapter, we must remember that in the realm of cookie theft, nothing is as it seems, and the quest for justice may lead us down unexpected paths. So next time you find your cookie jar empty, remember to look beyond the obvious and consider the motives and opportunities lurking within your own kitchen. The cookie thief may be closer than you think!


Who stole the cookies from the cookie jar?

Answer: Mischievous Max was initially suspected, but it was later revealed that he was framed by Greedy Gus.

What evidence helped in solving the cookie jar mystery?

Answer: Fingerprints found on the jar provided a crucial clue in identifying the culprit.

Do you think Mischievous Max deserved to be blamed for the theft?

Answer: No, Mischievous Max was innocent and was wrongly accused by Greedy Gus.

What motivated Greedy Gus to steal the cookies?

Answer: Greedy Gus had a strong craving for cookies but lacked the skills to carry out the theft himself, so he hired Mischievous Max to do it for him.

How did the mystery of the cookie jar theft conclude?

Answer: The true culprit, Greedy Gus, was exposed and brought to justice, resolving the mystery of the stolen cookies.

Fill in the Blanks:

audacious, evidence, dastardly, confront, assumptions, succumbed, stealthy, framing, sibling, diversion, alibi, allure, addiction, culprit, delectable, motives, Motives, brazen, Culprit, enigma, aversion, voracious

Title: Unveiling the ________ Behind the Cookie Jar Heist!

In this riveting investigation, we delve into the mystery, exposing the cunning thief and uncovering the truth behind this ________ act.

The cookie jar, a treasured vessel filled with ________ treats, becomes the focal point of this ________.

The Suspects:

Our journey to catch the ________ begins with a cast of characters who could potentially be responsible for this audacious act.

Could he be the one who ________ to the temptation of those irresistible cookies?

Then there’s Clever Clara, the sly and cunning ________ who always seems to have a hidden agenda.

Could her sweet tooth have driven her to commit such a ________ act?

Unmasking the Culprit:

To unravel this mystery, we must meticulously examine the ________ and follow the trail of cookie crumbs.

As we dig deeper, we find that Mischievous Max has an ________ for the time of the crime and a deep ________ to chocolate chip cookies.

Could he be the one behind this ________ deed?

________ and Opportunities:

As we scrutinize each suspect’s ________ and opportunities, the picture becomes clearer.

Clara, on the other hand, has been eyeing those delectable treats for days, unable to resist their ________.

She had ample opportunity, considering her familiarity with the kitchen layout and her talent for ________ operations.

His ________ appetite is well-known, and the allure of a cookie feast might have been too great for him to resist.

Our ________ were wrong all along.

Max, who detested chocolate chip cookies, reveals that his motive was not to satisfy his craving but to create a ________, ________ his innocent sibling Clara.

The Twist:

As we ________ Max with our newfound evidence, he admits his guilt, but not without revealing a surprising twist.

Gus, it turns out, had a secret ________ to chocolate chip cookies but lacked the skills to carry out the heist himself.


Culprit: (noun) A person who is responsible for committing a crime or wrongdoing.

Audacious: (adjective) Showing a willingness to take bold risks or show excessive confidence.

Enigma: (noun) A puzzling or mysterious person, event, or situation.

Delectable: (adjective) Highly pleasing or delightful, especially in terms of taste or flavor.

Succumbed: (verb) To give in to a superior force or overpowering influence.

Brazen: (adjective) Bold and without shame or embarrassment.

Sibling: (noun) A brother or sister.

Alibi: (noun) A claim or piece of evidence that proves a person was elsewhere at the time a crime was committed.

Aversion: (noun) A strong dislike or disinclination.

Allure: (noun) The quality of being powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating.

Stealthy: (adjective) Acting in a cautious and surreptitious manner in order to avoid detection.

Voracious: (adjective) Having a very eager or insatiable appetite for something.

Dastardly: (adjective) Wicked or cruel; evil in a sneaky or underhanded way.

Motives: (noun) The reasons or intentions behind a person’s actions or behavior.

Evidence: (noun) Facts, information, or objects that help to prove or disprove something.

Assumptions: (noun) Beliefs or ideas taken for granted without solid proof or evidence.

Diversion: (noun) An activity or tactic used to draw attention away from something else.

Framing: (verb) Intentionally incriminating or blaming someone for a crime they did not commit.

Confront: (verb) To face or challenge someone directly about their actions or behavior.

Addiction: (noun) A compulsive and often harmful dependence on a substance or behavior.

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  • Read two news stories every day. All short news stories are written for quick readability and learning.
  • Read the news stories from the day before and check if you remember all new words.
  • If the main story is hard to understand, consider reading the simplified version instead.


  • Listen to today's short news while simultaneously reading the text.
  • Listen to the news from today without reading the text.
  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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