Why We Need More Orange in Our Life

May 23, 2023

Discover the many reasons why orange deserves more love than it gets! Learn about the warmth, practicality, and versatility of this amazing color.
Why We Need More Orange in Our Life

Level 1

Orange is a great color that many people don’t give enough attention to. People usually like other colors more, like blue or green. But orange is awesome too! It makes you feel happy and excited when you see it, like when you look at a pretty sunset or a yummy orange fruit. I remember my grandpa painting an orange pumpkin for me when I was little, so orange is special to me. Orange is also good for safety because it’s easy to see from far away. You can use orange in fashion, home decorations, and even company logos. So let’s appreciate orange more!

Level 2

Orange is a color that many people don’t pay attention to, but it has great qualities. It can make people feel happy and excited, like when they see a beautiful sunset or a ripe orange fruit. I have a special connection with the color orange because my grandpa painted a pumpkin for me in bright orange. Orange is also practical because it’s easy to see from far away, which is why construction workers wear orange vests and traffic cones are painted orange. Companies use orange in branding because it’s associated with innovation, energy, and friendliness. So next time you see something orange, take a moment to appreciate all the wonderful things this color has to offer.

Full Story

Orange deserves more love than it gets.

Orange is often overlooked with color choices. People tend to prefer blues or greens over the bright and bold oranges out there. However, let me tell you why orange deserves more love than it gets.

To start with, orange has a way of making people feel warm and happy. Orange is often associated with enthusiasm, creativity, and excitement. Just think about how seeing a stunning orange sunset or a juicy, ripe orange fruit can suddenly make you feel invigorated and alive!

I have a personal connection with the color orange. When I was younger, my grandfather would grow pumpkins in his garden every fall. He would always keep one pumpkin for me that he would paint a bright shade of orange. Seeing that pumpkin each year always brought warmth to my heart, and I still associate that color with fond memories.

But orange isn’t just a sentimental favorite - it’s also practical in many ways. Orange is often used as a safety color because it’s easily seen from a distance. That’s why construction workers wear bright orange vests, and traffic cones are painted orange. This means that this fantastic color doesn’t just look good, but it can also keep us safe!

Another exciting thing about orange is its versatility. It can work in fashion, home decor, and branding. Orange isn’t just a great color in fashion, where it shines as an accent piece like a scarf or necklace that can brighten up a neutral outfit. It’s also versatile in home decor, adding a pop of color to any room without dominating the space. In fact, many companies use orange in their branding because it’s associated with innovation, energy, and friendliness.

So let’s give orange the recognition it deserves! Even though orange may not be a top pick for many people, it has plenty of great qualities. The color can elicit positive emotions and has practical uses, such as being easily seen from afar. That’s why it’s an excellent choice for any occasion. So, next time you encounter something orange, take a moment to appreciate everything this amazing color has to offer.


  1. What emotions is the color orange commonly associated with?
  1. Why do construction workers wear bright orange vests?
  1. Do you think orange is an underappreciated color? Why or why not?
  1. Can orange be used in both fashion and home decor? Give examples.
  1. How can companies benefit from using orange in their branding?

Fill in the Blanks

friendliness, elicit, creativity, practical, orange, neutral, Orange, invigorated, innovation, associated, overlooked, sentimental, enthusiasm, versatility

________ deserves more love than it gets.

Orange is often ________ with color choices.

However, let me tell you why ________ deserves more love than it gets.

Orange is often ________with ,, and excitement.

Just think about how seeing a stunning orange sunset or a juicy, ripe orange fruit can suddenly make you feel ________ and alive!

But orange isn’t just a ________ favorite - it’s also ________ in many ways.

Another exciting thing about orange is its ________.

Orange isn’t just a great color in fashion, where it shines as an accent piece like a scarf or necklace that can brighten up a ________ outfit.

In fact, many companies use orange in their branding because it’s associated with ________, energy, and ________.

The color can ________ positive emotions and has practical uses, such as being easily seen from afar.


Orange - a color that is a combination of red and yellow, often associated with warmth, enthusiasm, creativity, and excitement.

Overlooked - ignored or not given enough attention or importance.

Preference - a greater liking for one thing over another.

Associated - connected with or related to something else.

Enthusiasm - intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.

Creativity - the use of imagination or original ideas to create something new.

Invigorated - filled with energy or vitality.

Sentimental - having or expressing strong feelings of nostalgia or affection.

Versatility - the ability to adapt or be adapted to many different functions or activities.

Accent piece - a decorative object or item of clothing intended to add interest or emphasis to an outfit or interior design.

Neutral - without strongly marked or positive characteristics or features.

Elicit - to evoke or draw out (a reaction or response) from someone.

Practical - concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.

Safety color - a bright color that is easily seen from a distance and used in contexts where visibility is important, such as construction sites or traffic control.

Dominate - to have power and influence over something or someone.

Innovation - the introduction of new things, methods, or ideas.

Friendliness - the quality of being friendly; geniality.


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  • Listen to today's short news while simultaneously reading the text.
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  • Go through the vocabulary words to identify which ones you heard.


  • Answer the questions under each story.
  • Try, if possible, to use the vocabulary words in your answers.


  • Try to summarize the story out loud.
  • Attempt to paraphrase the sentences you found difficult.

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